Sunday, October 26, 2008

Freaky Weekend

This was definitely a freaky Weekend. Friday night was especially eventful. I was on the computer when my son, Andrew started screaming. Now, this is my 19 year old son! There was this 6 inch Tarantula walking across the diningroom floor. Both of our hearts are beating hard. Andrew could have pasted as a ghost - his face was pure white.

We threw a tupperware container over it. And then when my son was trying to get it into a more permanent container, another blood curdling scream came out. Our black Labrador, Susie, had quietly come up beside Andrew to see what was happening and scared him to death.


Lora3677 said...

I would be totally freaking out!!!!! but I admit I had to laugh about the dog scaring him.

twinkle teaches said...

Oh my!!! I thought you were going to say the dog ate the tarantula or something. Yikes!

Cheri Pryor said...

lmao on the doggie scare! lol!! Spiders don't scare me *too* much. I would have probably been laughing at the 19 yr. old boy screeching. lol!!